After much anticipation, we are set to release Love, Sex, & Choices (LSC) to the public!
Over the course of 12, 20-minute episodes, LSC invites viewers to identify with four characters – based on the stories of real women – who face relationship dilemmas. The characters model how to engage partners in open communication, relationship issues, and condom use. When tested in an NIH funded clinical trial, LSC was highly popular. Women identified with the characters and stories and wanted the series to continue.
The videos you are about to watch are based on true stories told by women in the cities of Newark and Jersey City in New Jersey. Focus groups were held to hear women describe their heartfelt issues about their relationships with men. What emerged are stories about struggle, strength, and survival.
So many women knew how to stop HIV/AIDS that their ideas became the basis of the videos. The videos on this website were the result of a research project and funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research.
This work is dedicated to promoting health in the community and an end to HIV/AIDS here and abroad.